< लिनक्स | linux-0.01.tar
/* * console.c * * This module implements the console io functions * 'void con_init(void)' * 'void con_write(struct tty_queue * queue)' * Hopefully this will be a rather complete VT102 implementation. * */ /* * NOTE!!! We sometimes disable and enable interrupts for a short while * (to put a word in video IO), but this will work even for keyboard * interrupts. We know interrupts aren't enabled when getting a keyboard * interrupt, as we use trap-gates. Hopefully all is well. */ #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/tty.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/system.h> #define SCREEN_START 0xb8000 #define SCREEN_END 0xc0000 #define LINES 25 #define COLUMNS 80 #define NPAR 16 extern void keyboard_interrupt(void); static unsigned long origin=SCREEN_START; static unsigned long scr_end=SCREEN_START+LINES*COLUMNS*2; static unsigned long pos; static unsigned long x,y; static unsigned long top=0,bottom=LINES; static unsigned long lines=LINES,columns=COLUMNS; static unsigned long state=0; static unsigned long npar,par[NPAR]; static unsigned long ques=0; static unsigned char attr=0x07; /* * this is what the terminal answers to a ESC-Z or csi0c * query (= vt100 response). */ #define RESPONSE "\033[?1;2c" static inline void gotoxy(unsigned int new_x,unsigned int new_y) { if (new_x>=columns || new_y>=lines) return; x=new_x; y=new_y; pos=origin+((y*columns+x)<<1); } static inline void set_origin(void) { cli(); outb_p(12,0x3d4); outb_p(0xff&((origin-SCREEN_START)>>9),0x3d5); outb_p(13,0x3d4); outb_p(0xff&((origin-SCREEN_START)>>1),0x3d5); sti(); } static void scrup(void) { if (!top && bottom==lines) { origin += columns<<1; pos += columns<<1; scr_end += columns<<1; if (scr_end>SCREEN_END) { __asm__("cld\n\t" "rep\n\t" "movsl\n\t" "movl _columns,%1\n\t" "rep\n\t" "stosw" ::"a" (0x0720), "c" ((lines-1)*columns>>1), "D" (SCREEN_START), "S" (origin) :"cx","di","si"); scr_end -= origin-SCREEN_START; pos -= origin-SCREEN_START; origin = SCREEN_START; } else { __asm__("cld\n\t" "rep\n\t" "stosl" ::"a" (0x07200720), "c" (columns>>1), "D" (scr_end-(columns<<1)) :"cx","di"); } set_origin(); } else { __asm__("cld\n\t" "rep\n\t" "movsl\n\t" "movl _columns,%%ecx\n\t" "rep\n\t" "stosw" ::"a" (0x0720), "c" ((bottom-top-1)*columns>>1), "D" (origin+(columns<<1)*top), "S" (origin+(columns<<1)*(top+1)) :"cx","di","si"); } } static void scrdown(void) { __asm__("std\n\t" "rep\n\t" "movsl\n\t" "addl $2,%%edi\n\t" /* %edi has been decremented by 4 */ "movl _columns,%%ecx\n\t" "rep\n\t" "stosw" ::"a" (0x0720), "c" ((bottom-top-1)*columns>>1), "D" (origin+(columns<<1)*bottom-4), "S" (origin+(columns<<1)*(bottom-1)-4) :"ax","cx","di","si"); } static void lf(void) { if (y+1<bottom) { y++; pos += columns<<1; return; } scrup(); } static void ri(void) { if (y>top) { y--; pos -= columns<<1; return; } scrdown(); } static void cr(void) { pos -= x<<1; x=0; } static void del(void) { if (x) { pos -= 2; x--; *(unsigned short *)pos = 0x0720; } } static void csi_J(int par) { long count __asm__("cx"); long start __asm__("di"); switch (par) { case 0: /* erase from cursor to end of display */ count = (scr_end-pos)>>1; start = pos; break; case 1: /* erase from start to cursor */ count = (pos-origin)>>1; start = origin; break; case 2: /* erase whole display */ count = columns*lines; start = origin; break; default: return; } __asm__("cld\n\t" "rep\n\t" "stosw\n\t" ::"c" (count), "D" (start),"a" (0x0720) :"cx","di"); } static void csi_K(int par) { long count __asm__("cx"); long start __asm__("di"); switch (par) { case 0: /* erase from cursor to end of line */ if (x>=columns) return; count = columns-x; start = pos; break; case 1: /* erase from start of line to cursor */ start = pos - (x<<1); count = (x<columns)?x:columns; break; case 2: /* erase whole line */ start = pos - (x<<1); count = columns; break; default: return; } __asm__("cld\n\t" "rep\n\t" "stosw\n\t" ::"c" (count), "D" (start),"a" (0x0720) :"cx","di"); } void csi_m(void) { int i; for (i=0;i<=npar;i++) switch (par[i]) { case 0:attr=0x07;break; case 1:attr=0x0f;break; case 4:attr=0x0f;break; case 7:attr=0x70;break; case 27:attr=0x07;break; } } static inline void set_cursor(void) { cli(); outb_p(14,0x3d4); outb_p(0xff&((pos-SCREEN_START)>>9),0x3d5); outb_p(15,0x3d4); outb_p(0xff&((pos-SCREEN_START)>>1),0x3d5); sti(); } static void respond(struct tty_struct * tty) { char * p = RESPONSE; cli(); while (*p) { PUTCH(*p,tty->read_q); p++; } sti(); copy_to_cooked(tty); } static void insert_char(void) { int i=x; unsigned short tmp,old=0x0720; unsigned short * p = (unsigned short *) pos; while (i++<columns) { tmp=*p; *p=old; old=tmp; p++; } } static void insert_line(void) { int oldtop,oldbottom; oldtop=top; oldbottom=bottom; top=y; bottom=lines; scrdown(); top=oldtop; bottom=oldbottom; } static void delete_char(void) { int i; unsigned short * p = (unsigned short *) pos; if (x>=columns) return; i = x; while (++i < columns) { *p = *(p+1); p++; } *p=0x0720; } static void delete_line(void) { int oldtop,oldbottom; oldtop=top; oldbottom=bottom; top=y; bottom=lines; scrup(); top=oldtop; bottom=oldbottom; } static void csi_at(int nr) { if (nr>columns) nr=columns; else if (!nr) nr=1; while (nr--) insert_char(); } static void csi_L(int nr) { if (nr>lines) nr=lines; else if (!nr) nr=1; while (nr--) insert_line(); } static void csi_P(int nr) { if (nr>columns) nr=columns; else if (!nr) nr=1; while (nr--) delete_char(); } static void csi_M(int nr) { if (nr>lines) nr=lines; else if (!nr) nr=1; while (nr--) delete_line(); } static int saved_x=0; static int saved_y=0; static void save_cur(void) { saved_x=x; saved_y=y; } static void restore_cur(void) { x=saved_x; y=saved_y; pos=origin+((y*columns+x)<<1); } void con_write(struct tty_struct * tty) { int nr; char c; nr = CHARS(tty->write_q); while (nr--) { GETCH(tty->write_q,c); switch(state) { case 0: if (c>31 && c<127) { if (x>=columns) { x -= columns; pos -= columns<<1; lf(); } __asm__("movb _attr,%%ah\n\t" "movw %%ax,%1\n\t" ::"a" (c),"m" (*(short *)pos) :"ax"); pos += 2; x++; } else if (c==27) state=1; else if (c==10 || c==11 || c==12) lf(); else if (c==13) cr(); else if (c==ERASE_CHAR(tty)) del(); else if (c==8) { if (x) { x--; pos -= 2; } } else if (c==9) { c=8-(x&7); x += c; pos += c<<1; if (x>columns) { x -= columns; pos -= columns<<1; lf(); } c=9; } break; case 1: state=0; if (c=='[') state=2; else if (c=='E') gotoxy(0,y+1); else if (c=='M') ri(); else if (c=='D') lf(); else if (c=='Z') respond(tty); else if (x=='7') save_cur(); else if (x=='8') restore_cur(); break; case 2: for(npar=0;npar<NPAR;npar++) par[npar]=0; npar=0; state=3; if (ques=(c=='?')) break; case 3: if (c==';' && npar<NPAR-1) { npar++; break; } else if (c>='0' && c<='9') { par[npar]=10*par[npar]+c-'0'; break; } else state=4; case 4: state=0; switch(c) { case 'G': case '`': if (par[0]) par[0]--; gotoxy(par[0],y); break; case 'A': if (!par[0]) par[0]++; gotoxy(x,y-par[0]); break; case 'B': case 'e': if (!par[0]) par[0]++; gotoxy(x,y+par[0]); break; case 'C': case 'a': if (!par[0]) par[0]++; gotoxy(x+par[0],y); break; case 'D': if (!par[0]) par[0]++; gotoxy(x-par[0],y); break; case 'E': if (!par[0]) par[0]++; gotoxy(0,y+par[0]); break; case 'F': if (!par[0]) par[0]++; gotoxy(0,y-par[0]); break; case 'd': if (par[0]) par[0]--; gotoxy(x,par[0]); break; case 'H': case 'f': if (par[0]) par[0]--; if (par[1]) par[1]--; gotoxy(par[1],par[0]); break; case 'J': csi_J(par[0]); break; case 'K': csi_K(par[0]); break; case 'L': csi_L(par[0]); break; case 'M': csi_M(par[0]); break; case 'P': csi_P(par[0]); break; case '@': csi_at(par[0]); break; case 'm': csi_m(); break; case 'r': if (par[0]) par[0]--; if (!par[1]) par[1]=lines; if (par[0] < par[1] && par[1] <= lines) { top=par[0]; bottom=par[1]; } break; case 's': save_cur(); break; case 'u': restore_cur(); break; } } } set_cursor(); } /* * void con_init(void); * * This routine initalizes console interrupts, and does nothing * else. If you want the screen to clear, call tty_write with * the appropriate escape-sequece. */ void con_init(void) { register unsigned char a; gotoxy(*(unsigned char *)(0x90000+510),*(unsigned char *)(0x90000+511)); set_trap_gate(0x21,&keyboard_interrupt); outb_p(inb_p(0x21)&0xfd,0x21); a=inb_p(0x61); outb_p(a|0x80,0x61); outb(a,0x61); }